Make no mistake about it. Life as a NFL player is demanding—physically, mentally and, unfortunately, even financially, as we believe far too many investment firms don’t have professional athletes’ best interests in mind.
TopTier understands these horror stories far too well. After all, three of our owners are currently members of the NFL.
Due to our personal experiences, we are committed to ensuring you are never taken advantage of. Our wealth management solutions are tailored for your long-term financial success. And our strategy is built on fully maximizing your time in the NFL—both on and off the field.
We strive to not only protect you today, but lead you on the path to your brightest future as well, going above and beyond the typical services of a wealth management firm.
Now is the time to become a TopTier client. Join us, as we lead you to achieve more financial freedom, success and longevity than you ever imagined.
NFL Player Strategies
Comprehensive Wealth Management
Regardless of what you may have heard in the past, the principle of wealth management is not simply investment assistance. Instead, true wealth management is dedicated to every detail of your financial situation. With this in mind, TopTier will help you develop a thorough financial plan—one that not only helps you achieve your financial goals, but also ensures you’re adhering to a budget and leveraging the power of compound interest, primarily by saving money consistently.
NFL Player Benefits Education
To maximize your time in the NFL, you must fully understand NFL Player Benefits, which are highly complex and robust. Through TopTier’s assistance, nothing will be overlooked, as we will help you navigate through every aspect of the website. As a result, your hard-earned benefits will be fully maximized.
Second Career Planning
To achieve long-term financial success, you must have a plan in mind for life after football. TopTier will guide you as you pursue the next chapter of your life, particularly by introducing you to professionals in careers you’d like to pursue.
NFL Player Mentors
With three NFL players as partners, TopTier fully understands just how difficult it is to transition from college to the pros. As a TopTier client, you will have direct access to our three player partners, who will be available to answer any questions you may have—both on and off the field.
Brand Management
As an NFL player, you have a period of elevated status that must be managed strategically for your maximum benefit. To create a game plan for your brand, TopTier will work with you on a consistent basis so that you can achieve your utmost potential.